How To Create Great Web Content and Keep Your Website on Track!

A website is the primary face of your business online. It will take collaboration to create a good website. You as the client know your business the best, and your expertise in the field will be needed to position your website for the right audience and create great content.

One of the biggest delays in website development is content creation. This potential roadblock can be navigated in several ways. If you are developing the content yourself, here are a few main points to consider:

~Determine your Target audience

~What is the goal of each page?

~What do you offer that your competitors don’t?

~What are the primary benefits you want to communicate?

~What keywords and phrases do you need for SEO?

~Have you completed a SMART goals worksheet?

What do you need to include on each page?

~Headline or title

~Main paragraphs – what is the main goal of this page? What is the one thing you want your readers to understand? Image you are talking to a friend and write in a conversational tone.

~Clear Call to Action – what action step would you like your visitors to take on each page?

What To Consider For Search Engine Optimization:

~Is the page content at least 300-500 words?

~Does it include keywords and phrases?

~Is the headline attention grabbing?

~Have you listed the benefits you’d like to communicate?

~Have you used short sentences that are easy to read?

~Have you reviewed the content for grammatical errors?

~Is there a clear call to action?

If you simply do not have time to develop the content on your own consider these alternatives:

Hire a Professional – A professional copywriter will work with you to create the right content for your business and optimize it for the web.

Re-purpose Existing Content – Do you have an existing website, brochure or other printed material? This can be re-purposed for your website. If you want to save on copy-writing services, consider hiring a copyeditor instead. They will review and revise the content you already have and make it web worthy.

Divide and Conquer – Are there other staff members on your team that can tackle sections of the website? Consider delegating certain pages to others who may have expertise.

Your project manager is there to help you along each step of they way in your website development process. They will provide you with a SMART goals work sheet and content document to make the process as easy as possible. If you are still finding content development a roadblock, talk to your web development team about your options to keep the site moving forward.

Jayna Lowe:
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