Quick Guide To Creating Website Content

Categories: Web Design

Last week I wrote about our “Must-Read Tips For Your Website Project” which included a section on creating website content. Copy writing is a preeminent part of any website project, and many of our clients here at Oracast craft their own content.

If you are in the process of creating content for your new website, here are my top quick tips for you:

  • 1. Grab your audience’s attention with captivating headlines and opening paragraphs. You only get one chance to make a first impression and you need to nail the intro. I find reading The Top 100 Headlines of All Time inspiring when I hit writers block.


  • 2. Get inside your customers head. What problems, pain, frustrations is your business solving? Answer these questions for your clients: What’s in it for me? Why should I believe you? Are you proving that you’re an expert? An authority? Are you trustworthy? Why should they choose you over a competitor?


  • 3. Create a list of benefits that you offer. What are the results and advantages you offer clients? Make sure that your customer has all of the information that they are looking for and don’t forget to highlight the key messages that will help them make a decision to hire you. Will you save them money? Make them money? Make their lives easier?


  • 4. No one knows your product / services better than you do. Speak from your personal experience. Gather stories and tell them to your clients. Don’t just talk about facts and details. Speak to the heart and inspire using stories. “Facts tell, stories sell.” How has your product / service made a difference? Saved time? What was the outcome?


  • 5. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. Write as if you are talking to a friend. Think of one person who would be an ideal client and write your content as if you are speaking to that one person.


  • 6. Always have a clear call to action on every page. What step would you like your website visitors to take next? Would you like them to email you? Call you? Click to the next page? Make it clear where you are directing your website visitors.


  • 7. Make your offer irresistible. Offer guarantees. Remove as much risk as possible from the buying decision.


  • 8. Provide social proof such as testimonials with pictures, client logos, or TV/media appearances. Build credibility and trustworthiness through your loyal fans (with their permission of course).


Those are my top copy writing tips for today! Happy writing!